I am gauging interest in an idea. My partner and I have an opportunity to buy an established ecological landscaping business in Portland, OR and change the direction. Here's what we are thinking: a business that helps transition neighborhoods into sustainable communities. This might look like fences being taken down and common amenities added, such as a community gathering space, greenhouse, vegetable gardens, food forest, etc.
How does it work??
It starts with gathering the neighbors that are interested in participating, likely drawn by the ideals of:
- lowered cost of living
- more space (and more variety of spaces) to enjoy from home
- shared resources
- better connections with neighbors
- safer space for kids and pets (more folks to keep an eye on them)
- more contiguous habitat for birds & other wildlife (fewer fences)
- access to fresh produce from gardens (without necessarily having to put all the work in!)
We meet with the interested neighbors and essentially conduct a design meeting to gather information, asking:
- What is important to you in your living space?
- What do you like about your current space?
- What would you like to be different?
- What would you like to have that you don't currently?
- How do you see yourself and others engaging with a communal space?
- What are the limiting factors?
- Who else might enjoy this space?
- What kind of activities would you like to make room for?
- How do you see yourself participating in the evolution of this space? Where do you see your level of involvement?
We lay out a plan that includes:
A series of workshops with the group to learn community tools (Sociocracy, NVC, conflict resolution, etc)
Integrated Systems Design (a collaborative design process that incorporates the needs of each community member)
Garden/landscape design & installation (folks are encouraged to pitch in where they are able)
Building design & construction (there is also an optional level of participation for certain projects)
Ongoing support as needed
The cost for all this should be much more manageable than personally hiring a designer or contractor as it can be shared evenly amongst the group.
I would love to know what you think after reading this. If you live in an urban neighborhood, is this something you would be interested in? If not, I would love to hear the reasons that it would not work for you or your family.
Thank you!