These are the trees I plan on growing to support various livestock (mostly hogs/chickens and might expand to a few cows/goat/sheep later on)
Middle Tennessee - roughly 10-20 acres.
10+ Rotational paddocks 1 week intervals on average.
*Chestnuts - basically corn on a tree. Reliable annual yields. Most of the nut trees will be this. (varieties that are blight resistant)
*Hazelnut - shrub variety
Oak - White oaks most likely
a Few hickory/black walnuts
Elderberry shrub
a few pear/cherry. still researching.
*Black Locust - pioneer tree - firewood for home/posts - soil building and pods/leaves for food
Siberian Pea shrub
*=primary crops
I plan to grow a lot of these by seed understanding the long term wait for yields and not "true-to-type" nature. I will plant a few grafts/clones to make sure some are good and provide "bulls" to help cross pollinate for traits with some varieties.
Rows of trees running north - south and 10+ feet in between with various ground forage (different topic all together for this but warm/cold grasses, legumes, comfrey, vegies ect.)
I am not concerned with "invasive" species because I want this to be very self sufficient and hardy setup plus I plan on living here for a long long time.
Black locust for example could be used to set the stage so to speak for the slower trees to get established and thinned out when necessary - all while building soil/wood.
3D electric deer fence / woven wire will be setup before planting to help protect the young trees. Looking into tree tubes as well for smaller critters.
Any suggestions or feedback is welcome!
Should I plant rows and mix plants throughout the property or maybe group different types into a separate paddock and rotate animals according to harvest times?
I don't know anyone that likes this stuff in person so I figured I can talk to people online about stuff like this
Currently reading "Trees of Power" by Akiva Silver and have several more books lined up.
Note: I am not trying to make this a business - this will be for my own enjoyment family/friends