This is an interesting thread. I have been into schaubergers work since finding him a year or so ago. I studied ayurvedic medicine and the parallels between electricity, magnetism, gravity etc relate to the actions of air element. Copper is highly revered in ayurveda. I also studied architecture and see how pressure is the main focus as it moves heat and moisture through walls and is the focus of proper wall material layering. One thing I did learn about copper is that the smallest amount in a river can damage salmon. And other fish. They are so sensitive that even run off from copper flashing and piping can kill them. So I wonder how we can use copper safely without harming fish and aquatic life? This is somet by ing most people Aren’t aware of. I found this thread because I was interested in the compost diagram by schauberger and it led me here. I studied permaculture and biodynamics somewhat also. Another things I am wondering is that inherently in having hot and cold areas of a compost pile you have pressure systems developing. Hot air wants to move to cold because the molecules want space to move out. So what this inherently does is allows microorganisms to move throughout the pile. And this helps things break down faster also. My thinking would be that you don’t necessarily want an even temp. As that would keep the action stationary. You want a dynamic environment where things are moving and changing. For example in our bodies we have upward moving air, downward moving air, circulating air, air that crosses barriers (like suction) and air that causes inspiration, as in having a thought come to you. In order for stagnation to not occur, we need the 5 actions of air to contribute. Studying these actions allows you to connect w the compost heap snd know what action is required. As a ther hicks states - no matter what, everything is always working out for you.