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Tanya Marquette

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since Jun 22, 2021
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Being a 'lazy' cook  fermenting is one of the easiest ways to preserve scapes.  I cut them smallish and ferment in salted brine. They can keep forever int he refrig.

I also chop some up into salads. Another easy peasy use for them.

Good chopped into eggs, too.   Anything that wants some garlic, scapes will suffice.

The only caveat is that the tougher parts seem to stay tough. So best to use when young or only the softer, more supple parts.
2 years ago
What a great discussion on tincturing.  Have not done it before but have lots of mullein on my lawn so decided to
try it as dried leaves don't stay potent as long.  My method clearly was more the folk method so not clear on a few things.
1.  How do you know you have good strength of tincture?
2.  Can you add water after the tincturing has already begun?

I used Everclear and put about 3/4 qt jar of the herb torn/chopped coarsely.  Covered with the Everclear (about 2 cups which is what I had on hand).  It has been sitting about 3 weeks now and gets shaken whenever I remember.  Pretty casual process I confess
3 years ago