Zoe Apis

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since Jan 04, 2022
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Central TX, zone 8ish when it feels like it
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Recent posts by Zoe Apis

Thank you! That first video gives me an idea
7 hours ago
So most people suggest that for goats, the fence goes on the same side of the posts as the goats do. That’s great, but then how do you stretch the fence when you use corner braces like the ones attached?

I know how you’d stretch them on the outside, but not how to stretch them on the Inside because the corner braces would block you from pulling past the corner braces.

Do you lay the wire on the inside goat side of the t posts but then stretch it on the outside corner brace side?

(I’m using square deal redbrand goat fence)
13 hours ago
Really enjoying this thread.  Attempting to do a mix of aquaponics on my top acre where cotton root rot reigns, and a permie food forest in my healthier wooded back acre that is bursting with worms! So neat to see so many people trying to get things growing in what can be a challenging area.
3 years ago
How exciting! I plan on using non-native Goumi berries for some of my nitrogen fixers because I absolutely love the taste of them! It sounds like you have a good list of natives. https://www.wildflower.org/expert/show.php?id=738#:~:text=There%20are%20many%2C%20including%20some,bluebonnets%20(Lupinus%20spp.). Redbuds are cool because the blooms are edible. Mountain Laurels are beautiful, but very slow growing and can be tough to get started. There is at least one central Texas supplier of potted started mtn. laurels you can buy in bulk.  

"Texas Bird of Paradise" Caesalpinia gilliesii, and "Pride of Barbados" are two naturalized plants that also serve that purpose.
3 years ago