Lacusta Gelu

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since Jan 23, 2022
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Am 56 de ani și îmi plac provocările in domeniile încălzitoarelor racheta și electronică că amator.Traiesc într-un sat din Romania,la granița cu Bulgaria.
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Recent posts by Lacusta Gelu

Burra Maluca wrote:On your picture, it says 5000 and 3500.

Does that mean 5 metres and 3.5 metres?

If so, I think there is too much pipe.  The stove won't be able to push the hot gas all the way through that much pipe, especially with all those corners.

What is the diameter of the feed tube and heat riser on the stove?  The greater the diameter, the further it can push, but I think you will still need to reduce the length of the pipes.

1 month ago
Hello everyone. Although I was not present on the forum for a long time due to an accident, I started to resume my hobby. I started the construction of a more special rocket stove-type power plant. It's a lot of work, but I hope to get results satisfactory. Sorry I don't know English, but you can translate with google. Thank you for not excluding me from the forum.
3 months ago