Tommy Bullard

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since Jan 26, 2022
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I started my solar cooking adventure making a box oven design I found on the internet. I bought black pots and everything but when it was all said and done it was pretty much useless. I also made something using a car windshield blocker, covered it with foil and it was useless as well. You need insulation, you have to get the cook vessel hot and you have to hold the heat in. That said the more I see of the commercial units the more possibilities I see for actually making something that works.
But out of frustration I broke down and spent to much money on a commercial alternative. Yes they do work well but the construction is a bit flimsy for the money am I sorry I spent the money, no they work. Was it overpriced? Yeah I think so but I could say the same for a lot of things.

Currently I have a GoSun Sport and the Fusion. If I could rush right out and buy another solar oven it would be the Sun Oven.
They all have their strong points and weak points I wish I could buy them all and get to the bottom of it.
But I have what I have.
I sure would like to add a Sun Oven.
I also have a propane stove and wok, I keep plenty of propane bottles on hand so frying and boiling water is not a problem.
Between the wok and solar cookers all I need is grocery's, the rest is easy.

It is empowering to know that I can cook just about anything with only the sun!
But on a cloudy day I got the wok.

3 years ago
Basic recipe for sweet potatoes.
You can of coarse season and spice many different ways but I main purpose is to get the timing figured out which when using only the sun which is a sticky wicket.

2 fairly large sweet potatoes I thought I would use the Sport but it would not fit so Fusion it is.
1tbs olive oil
salt you decide I probably used a tsp.
3tbs butter

Dice it up mine were fairly large dices.
Put the diced potatoes, oil and salt in a bowl.
Cook it.
When finished add the butter.

It took 1 hour to reach 210 and the potatoes were very soft added the butter and transfered to a serving bowl.
Today was full sun in my neck of the woods.

As stated my goal is keeping track of time, when the last hurricane hit and we had no power for 3 days I had my toys that I had used but I did not keep up with anything it was just load it and see how it goes, but I you find that you are depending on these toys you need to know what to expect, planning is everything when results matter.
You could make the sweet potatoes more healthy or less that is up to you but timing is important. figure and hour, or less if you do not like them real soft.

3 years ago
I find a temperature probe very handy to know when the food is done. I have a Riida temp probe.
The sport will cook at most one cup uncooked rice. Double the water and cook untill temp reaches 210 degrees. I do not stir it or open the cooker until it is done.

Fusion recipe for 2 cups rice.
340 grams or 2 cups well rinsed white rice (jasmine is my go to) if you do not rinse it will be a little sticky.
680 grams water or 4 cups
Add a little salt and or oil if you must

Cook time was 2:40 minutes.

I am guessing the Sport with half that amount of water and rice will cook a little quicker.
I think the 3/4 cups of rice would be optimal for the sport.

3 years ago