Lauren Pursell

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since Jul 15, 2022
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east of Mena, AR
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Recent posts by Lauren Pursell

Hello Patrick,

I will write you a Purple Moosage, and hope to hear from you.  I don't have a profie up on this site but I will send photo, etc. if you are interested.

Hi Jim,
Just to let you know I sent you a purple moosage!
Hello Robin,
I was reading about a medicinal herb on when somehow the permaculture singles page opened on the screen.  I had no idea there was such a thing.  Then I was very surprised by your post, both the words and the photos.  A bit at a loss for words; I would love an opportunity to talk with you.  I think there is a chance we may want to know one another.  

I would be glad to tell you more about myself in a private conversation or message.  I don't know what a PM (purple moosage?) is yet, but I'll learn.  
I hope you have time to reply and thank you,

- Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!
2 years ago