Damon Downs

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since Aug 31, 2022
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I just made a long post on another thread but soldiers flys are a godsend to an outdoor outhouse they devour everything and keep the pit low and level all spring and summer.use cedar chips ever now and then during summer. The actually get excited like a Pavlov's dog thing every handful you drop in and they eat the chips too making them healthier and there's no more smell than an indoor bathroom. Cedar chips are soldier flys are the best !
2 years ago
I've been living with my family ,kids and even music festivals on my property for 9 years without a septic system. I can talk for hours on the subject that I never thought would matter to me.As far as BSF in a indoor situation my first thought is they have no entrance or exit without help.when the soldiers flys first took over our outhouse the smell got worse but they thrived and kept things from piling up but now it's a different story.Now especially after the first spring festival they take over and move into our outhouse to thrive.instead of using ashes or lime we switched to cedar chips. Now our outhouse maintains itself.doesnt stink and in fact they love the cedar chips they completely do the work for me all spring and summer. They will devour toilet paper in minutes and love any visitor to the bathroom.the cedar chips really seem to make them happy too but in summer you don't have to throw a handful down every toilet visit,in fact wait 5 five minutes and they clean up quickly after every human deposits.there is nothing to see in minutes.In addition they is no increase in the flys in the outhouse..in fact you there's basically no flies around.to be 100 percent honest we adore the spring arrival.Over winter they are gone and we sure miss them.
2 years ago