Elayne Kendell

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since Nov 22, 2023
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Hi Moses!

I understand you. I love Christ and his teachings too.

I’ve also learned so much from other philosophies and traditions that I’m open to connections with all seekers of the Truth. So I have a flexibility that perhaps makes meeting someone a little easier.

I’m not suggesting that for you. That’s been my path. Just explaining why my pool might be a little bigger.

There is a legitimate dating site where I’ve met some very nice people. It’s greensingles.com

In my time there, I wasn’t contacted by a single fake account.

I didn’t meet the love of my life but that’s on me. I started the process and then realized I don’t have the time needed to explore relationships right now because I work and run my little animal sanctuary by myself.

Consider checking out that site. You can specify the religion that you’re looking for.

Blessings on your journey and your search for a lovely woman that shares your commitment and a sincere understanding of our faith.
10 months ago
It makes me smile too. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
1 year ago