Susan Lee

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since Feb 01, 2024
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So glad to have found this thread even seven years after it began Have been vermicomposting at home (2-plastic bucket system, kitchen scraps) for a few years and have always been frustrated with the dense wet clay-like consistency. Without more processing the big clumps turn hard as rocks as someone else mentioned, and is not as easily incorporated into our small kitchen garden.

However, the most recent harvest was better than usual, and after drying for about 1-2 days, I hand-crumbled the now-moist clumps to improve the consistency of texture.   I really need to invest in building a screen to make the process easier! The worms seemed super happy and there were tons of baby worms and eggs. I am also hoping to deduce what changed in the bin environment to produce better results. Recently the weather got warmer and drier, and I've been better about adding a thick layer of browns (torn paper bags) atop each weekly scrap feeding. We don't have a practice of mixing the bin with each feeding, or any other way of adding aeration. Is this the issue? And perhaps the higher proportion of browns was also contributing to a better environment?

Hope people are still up for chatting about this Thanks all.

1 year ago