larry kidd

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since Apr 01, 2024
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SWM  Father of two wonderful daughters. Owner and caretaker of 30 odd acres of South Central Virginia wilderness. Lover of FREEDOM and what was the American way before the libtards took over.  Mechanic and builder by trade. Built a drag car and raced for 20 years.
Politically inCORRECT under todays standards. I should have lived a hundred years ago. Don't agree with either side of the dirty coin of politics. Personally I think we need to sweep the whole lot out and start fresh with the constitution as it was written!
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I've been dealing with clay all my life. First Daikon radishes are are great idea BUT they are a cool weather crop not a mid summer crop. Here in Virginia they often will grow all winter. The longer you let them grow the more good they do. The best time to plant is in late summer after the heat is starting to die down. But in truth they can be planted at  just about all times that aren't 90f+ or below freezing. You should also consider Buckwheat and a few other things.  Buckwheat breaks up the soil fast up on top. It is a warm season crop and will not handle even light frost most of the time.

Go on Yourube and check out Gabe Brown he has some great videos on soil and soil regeneration.

Also read the book Ten acres enough by Edmond Morris circa 1860's.

If you can let things grow until they die and leave them lay while planting other stuff amongst their refuse, this feeds the soil faster and better.

The more diverse you can make your ground changing plants the better. This is a place to use the double barrel shotgun approach! Lay on any and every kind of seed that might help improve soil health while breaking up that clay!

Good Luck!

The more organic material you can mix in the top foot of soil the better!!!
6 days ago
In Oct I got a new E-bike. First time I'd been on a bike in 40 years. Within the first 100 or so miles I realized I was getting a pain in the neck from the position the no rise handlebar was causing. By the time I was getting close to 200 miles I made up my mind and ordered a 120mm rise handlebar, oh what a difference that made. I have made quite a few 30+ mile rides since and no pain! Aerodynamics are great but comfort is better!
1 week ago

Melissa Rose wrote:Yessssss! This is exactly what I want. brilliant!

I've got a place in Va and I'm seriously considering starting to do some traveling and maybe trying to work out how to make something similar work for myself. I despise extream temperatures! Give me 50-80F and I am a happy camper but out of that range saps my energy quick.

Pete Podurgiel wrote:Welcome to permies, Melissa!
I'd like to chat some if you're up for it (PM sent).

This might be the guy Larry had in mind, total inspiration!

Yes the guy he's interviewing is the guy I was talking about! Thanks for linking!

Melissa Rose wrote:A young heart in an old soul.
As an empathic, neurodivergent woman on the spectrum, I have had my challenges in the world of relating to people. Dating is not something I do much and has always been a bit overwhelming to me. So seeing this forum and seeing all of you share your hearts inspired me. However, through my life i've been so fortunate to have male friends like brothers to me, wonderful father figures and mentors. Sometimes I struggle with social anxiety however, once I get to know someone it fades away. This is why I love immersing myself in natural living. It brings everything full circle for me. I would love to have a partner to face our challenges together in a relationship where we can balance each other and help one another grow to our highest potential. 🫢🏻

40F 5'7. As fair skinned as they come. Celtic looking wavy brown hair. Active & healthy, hope you are too. Live-long and prosper is the goal πŸ––πŸ». In the past years, I've gotten into jiu-jitsu for self-defense and mental acuity. Would love if this is also a passion of yours. Have found a lot of kinship in the values and community aspect of jiu-jitsu and it would be amazing to have a partner who trains and loves rolling too. Tai chi and yoga are also a part of my practice. not a vegan, but do seek to consume meat that was Humanely raised or Directly from Hunters.

Not really a conventional or conservative person. I've always looked for alternative methods of healing and solving problems than what I was given at face value and have had to, to succeed. I hope to share this insatiable curiosity for life and learning with you and our children.

Though I would love to have a family soon, i don't want to rush. And really want to get to know you and see if we are capable of loving each other and creating a home worthy of a child. I believe all children come into this world as magic beings with unlimited potential. It's important to me that we share political and spiritual values however, politics is by no means the center of my identity. I come from a mixed family ethnically and politically, and have learned to be the mediator. Mostly i'm a-political and seek solutions for real problems based in ethical science. Harmony is what I seek and I have no desire to argue, rather to put all my energy towards building and creating a better life. I want to homeschool and possibly adopt as well as have at least one of my own children if resources permit.

Anastasia: the Ringing Cedars of Russia books series have been a huge inspiration for me. Especially having half of my ancestry from this region. My most recent ancestors were refugees from Eastern Europe World War I and it is not lost on me the cycle of traumatic events happening there now. Why it is all that much more important for me to live my best life the most free, loving and joyous possible.

I've been into gardening since I was a child thanks to my mother, but it wasn't until the shock of Covid that I started getting much more serious about fully immersing myself in the lifestyle. In 21 i left healthcare after 4 years in search of a healthier lifestyle and occupation. I've been traveling, WWOOFING and educating myself in organic gardening and permaculture ever since. Was in Oregon, but have since migrated back to the East Coast. My mother being in remission from cancer being my main reason for coming back and wanting to have as much time with her as possible. Right now I am looking into ways to get farmland in Maine, but still researching and not necessarily tied to that location. My true desire is to be multi-locational. Having a homestead traveling in the off-season possibly even having a traveling permaculture business in the off-season or just finding other sister farms in tropical locations for the winter months to keep farming and learning in other cultures and countries.

Now i'm researching sovereign citizenship. For many reasons, not least of which being genocide in Gazza, it is pressing on me day and night that I need to do something more. One of my major goals is to extract myself from the system that is extracting resources from me. Because I can't in good conscience allow them to steel my resources and use them to kill people. I can be quite mission oriented, nerdy, and obsessive. And in this life that mission is peace, freedom and prosperity for myself, my family and as many people as I can set free as possible.

However, I'm also a goofball and don't try to take myself too seriously because life is for living.

I don't love sharing much personal pictures or private information in public threads, but I'd be happy to speak over the phone or video chat.

The most important thing to me is being on the same level, having an intellectual connection and shared values.

Wow, you read All the way to the end well that is wonderful!  

 There is a guy on youtube who has a few locations on the east coast if I remember correctly. Who does this he moves around with the seasons and farming small spaces, usually less than an acre per place. Yet he seems to make a good living. He also transports his goods from end of season one place to begin the season at the next place greatly increasing his profit! This also allows him to have fresh out of season items he has grown in locations where they are in season. Wish I could remember his channel name to link for you. But the point is he is on the right track IMO!
One of the biggest problems with using LifePO4 cells in an unheated power shed is temperature stability. More from the cold than the heat in my climate, although heat can also be a problem. A few months ago I got nearly 600AH of cells at 51.2 volts (48 volt system) I've been dragging my feet on hooking them up because they can be stored at cooler temps but they can NOT be charged below freezing. Well of course we are in the coldest Jan. in years right now as I am contemplating how to keep my new batteries from freezing when I do hook them up. Then a couple days ago I had the thought to use water pipe tape / cable that turns on at 38f and off 50f.

So I thought I'd post about here incase anyone is having the same or similar issues.  
3 weeks ago
Not with that level of quality!
4 weeks ago
Love them! I have two after 7ish years one of the boards went out on the first 48v 2000w pure sinewave inverter. So I bought a second and parts to fix the first. They are both still in service now about 5-6 years later. They are great inverters and often carry more than 2,000w even though they shouldn't! All told I've been running Aims inverters for going on 14 years if memory serves...
1 month ago
You can easily build just what you're wanting out of scrap and used tires. Depending on how much power you need the motor could be from a scooter to a golf cart all the way to a large electric forklift. Look around and think would this or that junk work. I bet you can dig up what you need fairly easy...
1 month ago