Katheryn Studinski

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since Apr 20, 2024
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Recent posts by Katheryn Studinski

And is there a way to search for these topics here?  Or a tour section so I can learn my way around?
Just spent the last few hours going through all those links and videos.  
This now begs the question can I stick to the original plan of starting no till?

This would obviously be easier for me.  Just do layers of sticks and leaves in the fall.  
I'm just concerned about plastics and junk buried under where I might be growing food.

Thank you!  I really appreciate the help.
I'll check it out.  It looks like a pretty grass. I do have tons of dandelions growing I've been enjoying watching the bees harvest.  I'll be sure to help those spread too.
Hello all.  New to Permies.  Looking forward to meeting everyone.
I'm 100% new to permaculture but it seems the way to go and having a garden that works with it's self rather than individual plants just makes sense!  So I'm learning.

I have a new house in Southern Colorado.  Just .21 acres, but since the house is small it feels like lots of land.  
Plenty for a permaculture garden and then some.

Planning on planting a few flowers and such in the ground this summer and food in pots.  The reason for no food in the ground?  While digging up one of the beds a few weekends ago I found an old kitchen trash bag buried.  Gross.  So now I'm concerned about if the soil is poisoned with plastic and who knows what.

Does anyone have experience with healing the land after pulling things like this out?  
Know I need to dig up anywhere I want a food garden to check for things like this.  And eventually the whole yard. But what should I plant to help the land out?  Only tumble weeds are growing in most of the yard and grass doesn't really grow here.  I really really want a food garden eventually. Is it possible to plant perennials and just not eat the food this year?  Will it poison the plants in the long term? I mean how long would I need to wait before the land would be okay?  My mind doesn't even know where to start to find any of this out.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  I keep picking up trash all over the yard so it's probably a sure thing it isn't isolated to that one spot.

The plan is to spend the summer getting the land ready for a good thick mulch raised bed style concept I read about and it will spend the fall and winter decomposing.  Then next spring and summer I'll be able to plant directly in the ground.  I found a book all about permaculture gardening and am planning on implementing lots of the things in it on my land.  I'm pretty excited.

I am also hoping there's an active community here in Colorado.  
Thanks for the tip!  I think I saw an introduction section too the other day.  I'll jump over there when I have some time and do that.  

I like your idea of waiting a year to eat from my land as I keep picking up trash everywhere. Except maybe I'll grow the things I want to eat in pots this year.

See you over in the into thread in a few days!
9 months ago
New member here ... Warning noted.  Fully ignored. Haha.  And hoping for a community to thrive in!  
I have a new house and spent the weekend pruning what I hope is a crabapple tree and a lilac bush.  Now I have lots of dead wood for a garden mulch base.
I have so much land around the house I can't decide what to do first!  Research indicates I should have started the beads in the fall but I didn't own the property then.  And I want to start growing something edible this summer!  
Should it be a hedgerow? Or a hope and prayer vegetable garden? Or just grow in pots this year?  Or make an herb spiral?  
Or stick with the original plan and see what the garden holds from someone who once loved it before me and grow my micro greens indoors.  
I'll figure it out I know!

Hello everyone!
9 months ago
At least one person is getting wise.  Just bought a house that has enough land to do some serious gardening and am learning about permaculture to grow food.  
There's a guy on tictoc spreading the message.  I bought his book and found your forum looking for a community near me.  
Anyone here near southern Colorado?
9 months ago
Maybe I'll try this too.  For my first permaculture experiment.  The guide seems pretty clear.  
9 months ago