Susan Banks

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since Dec 25, 2024
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I have two sons that each steel cut oatmeal every morning. As I am retired, I am craving Peanut Butter and Cracker sandwiches! I don’t know why but that’s what I have. Breakfast has always been important to me. I have to eat something!! When I get too hungry I dry heave. I usually carry a pack of Crackers with me because I never know when I all of a sudden am starving feeling.
2 weeks ago
As I found this link today, something I’ve been looking for a long time. I rent a single wide and im trying to talk my landlord into burning this old place down and using the Frame to build two structures on the same Frame. Is that possible in NC? I would like to build a one Car Garage on one End and a Tiny home on the other. It’s affixed on a 3/4 acre parcel. It’s placed in the right place. They never layed down the thick ml plastic and I have terrible moisture issues. Thank you. God Bless and Merry Christmas.