Daniel Thornton

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since Jan 09, 2025
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No problems here. Quick and easy, thank you very much.
Gratefully & peacefully
As-salaamu alaikum, Aliyah, we do exist! lol. Muslim permies makes perfect sense in light of Allah's order for us to take care of the earth, no? I'm your brother, Daniel, in NC. Just wanted to let you know that you're most definitely not alone. I wish you the best in your studies and seeking a spouse. I'll make du'a for you regarding both. If you need someone to bounce ideas to & from, please don't hesitate to hit me up. Allah will provide! I'm currently working on acquiring a property of 16 acres that used to be a subsistence farm of some sort, that has the need for some permies love and attention. We are planning on inviting others to join in an effort towards an intentional community of sorts (at least some helpful, friendly, enthusiastic neighbors that isn't necessarily only for Muslims, but we're trying to have something available for them, first. Alrighty then, that about sums it up for a start. All the best. Allah's Peace, Mercy & Blessings to you, sister.
3 weeks ago