Amy Hoven

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since Jan 17, 2025
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Wow! So amazed at what I’ve learned from all the comments. Thank you! I was googling in the hopes to recall what my dad had told my husb + I to do to help our older calf. I can’t recall its exact age but it was weaned + maybe close to being a yearly. I would like clarification from someone else who has done this before. I believe it was charcoal, a small amt, crushed in powder so it could be dissolves in water. We used a long neck bottle, telling my age because back then we used a coke bottle(probably why you find them in old barns). Today, you could use a long neck beer bottle. My father could of been a Vet, + he told us to mix the charcoal with water(probably warm) in a long neck bottle + feed it to the older calf to stop the diarrhea(I didn’t know it was called scour).
It worked + we weren’t unable to butcher Bo, which is why we bought him at auction. I’m 99.9% sure when our goat ate on an azalea bush the stuff was a charcoal base the Vet gave us.

A cyst like growth was removed from the paw on my Jack Russell Terrier. I asked the Vet if this happened again could I do something so it wouldn’t get bigger. He said I could try children’s Bendryl. The grape seed extract info is very good to know + will share your wisdom to others. My grandmother who lived to be 103 did a lot of medicinal meds + she said they gave the peel of grapefruits to servicemen for something aligning them back then.
Alabama Amy
2 weeks ago