gary reif

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since Nov 21, 2010
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Recent posts by gary reif

What are herbs etc that are good for bone healing? I would guess bone broth is good, what bones are best, leg? joints?
9 years ago
unfortunately most almond growers harvest by shaking and then sweeping up the almonds which means they need to have bare ground. Water on bare ground evaporates a lot more then ground with vegetation on it so a fair share of water evaporates.
9 years ago
Is there a way to download the videos? I would love watch them while on flights ... travel too much for work
9 years ago
good Idea. I will check with my state DNR forestery service
9 years ago
Hi Dillon

Yes it sometimes does get the dry cracked clay look depending on rain amounts
9 years ago
a place to get a lot of elderberry plant for reasonable cost?
9 years ago
I wonder how elderberry and hazlenut would fair?
9 years ago
Thanks, unforetunity I already have a ton of willow.
9 years ago
Welcome Rick, Looking forward to learning from your posts.
9 years ago

I have an 3/4 acre area of my 10 acre property that is lower so it is very wet in spring for about 4-6 weeks but drys out in summer. It is clay type soil and fairly flat. What type of trees/ bushes/ plants would survive in conditions like this. We live in zone 5a (on edge of zone 5/4) but in realality we do get -25 to -40 degrees in winter at time (I hate winter!!!). South of Green Bay WI.

9 years ago