Rich Blaha

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since Dec 30, 2010
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Recent posts by Rich Blaha

Timing of our listing might have been off (kind of a cold wet month compared to the rest of the winter, which threw us), or chose the wrong phase of the moon to list, but we dropped the price today,-123.189183,45.279959,-123.408909_rect/11_zm/?view=public
6 years ago

Health issues are forcing a life change for our family, and we have to sell our beloved ranch and move into town.  This lovely place we developed and restored over the last 15 years looks nothing like when we arrived...3000+ trees, a forest approaching maturity, water catchment, lots of topsoil built through grazing cattle, lifetime friends made.  If you know anyone who would be interested, here's the listing,-123.137513,45.280322,-123.460579_rect/11_zm/

Amenities include close proximity to good small schools, wine and foodie paradise in Carlton and McMinnville, and an hour from Portland.

You can catch the chronicle of our time here at our blog (longest running farm blog in OR, but I guess we'll be losing that award soon  )

6 years ago
Hi Grant

Haven't had a chance to check out the podcast yet, but you seem a kindred soul. Thanks for spreading the info!

I've been involved with CSP, CREP, and OWEB (Oregon) grants for almost 10 years.

Some details

~$30k in federal money in that span
paid materials for fencing and cross fencing, ram pump, water distribution, hardened creek crossings, and 3500 native trees. State money paid for some erosion control / water storage / hugelculture measures

Note that when you get in these programs, you get tracked in the EWG database

10 years ago
Yeah, need the airframe to be good to go, then the autopilot after. I'll chime in on progress
11 years ago
Like Jeremy, I do GIS (among other things) for a living...just working on fitting out a UAV for mapping. First flight should be in a month or so....stay tuned!

The Swinglet / Ebee is pretty slick...but $10-25k, it better be. There's not much in there that isn't off the shelf these days...I think mine will run ~$1500 as a bare bones, with autopilot and nearIR cam (for NDVI / veg health mapping)

Also, folks should know that the FAA has a kibosh on "commercial use of UAVs" until they release guidance late this year or (more likely) next. Any "Drone Consultancy" needs to be way under the radar...
11 years ago
I won't be able to make any of the dates, but I live just across the county line...I'd love to check out what you're doing there
11 years ago
Hi folks...I saw Paul's post on reddit a few days back, and it (and a failed well pump) sparked me to post about ours


14 years ago