I am considering building a monolithic dome and I though some people here may be interested. Basicly, it is a 3" thick concrete dome with rebar stablization, build on a huge inflatable form. Mine is going to use an OSB form, but the idea still stands. Monolithic domes are not the most eco friendly, mine will require about 100 yds of concrete and several thousand feet of rebar, however if all goes well it should still be standing in 1000 years. I am planning on earth-sheltering the whole thing, and they lend themselfs quite nicely to rocket stove heating. Mine is going to be built by first "framing" it out of rebar, welding all the joints, and then layering mesh around the rebar ferro-cement style. Then I will wire OSB boards around the inside and apply the concrete from the outside with a shovel and a trowel. Power will be via a wind mill on the roof (normally a terrible idea unless you want your house shaken to peices, but should eb OK with a cement dome) and waste water, if I ever even install drains, will be processed via mycofiltration or mulch pit. The roof will be a "living" roof, in that it will be covered with cholla, mormon tea, and sage brush, but I dont think it will be getting any irrigation or purposefull planting. The purpose of the building will be a place for a shop and storage, but the floor plan will be completely empty, so I am sure it will serve many purposes durring its life.