Need Katuk seeds ASAP
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John Harris
John Harris
seeds and breeding |
seed search/trade offer...
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John Harris
John Harris
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
seed available for 2013 now
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John Harris
Leon Elt
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
available seeds for trade Spring 2013
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John Harris
John Harris
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
seed trade for Fall 2012...
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John Harris
Bobby Clark Jr
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
looking for runner beans for Fall..
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John Harris
Nicole Castle
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
In need of Asian winged beans...
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John Harris
John Harris
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
seed trade/ looking for these.....
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John Harris
ilex Hatfield
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |