The Conway Institute, part of The Conway School (formerly the Conway School of Landscape Design) in Northampton, MA, USA is offering several short
online courses beginning this month:
QGIS for All: From LiDar to Topos with QGIS - Learn the basics of QGIS and how to prepare a topographic map and slope analysis for your design
project using this free software. Starts 1/13/22.
Site Grading Fundamentals - Learn how to design grading for a site to prevent erosion, move or infiltrate stormwater, and/or create a resilient building site. Starts 1/23/22.
QGIS for ArcMap Users: Making the Transition - Learn how QGIS and ArcMap compare and how to problem-solve using the free software of QGIS. Starts 2/10/22.
Solving Complex Site Grading Problems: A Hands-On Workshop in Grading Design - Building on the Site Grading Fundamentals course, this course will explore more complex grading problems and provide plenty of time for instructor interaction. Participants need to have a solid base of understanding of grading prior to class. A prerequisite for this course is either completion of the Site Grading Fundamentals course or completion of a grading exercise provided prior to registration. Starts 3/13/22.
Environmental Art in the Landscape: From Idea to Installation -
Art integrated into a landscape setting helps to illustrate the ecological, social, and historical narrative of a garden or landscape and can contribute to the overall sense of place. Get a window into the process of Environmental Art from idea to installation through an examination of Todd’s project “The Nest” at the Hitchcock Center for the Environment as a case study. You’ll see films, onsite commentary, and have time for Q and A with Todd. 1/18/22.
Conway School Information Session
If you're interested in Conway's 10-month intensive M.S. program in ecological design and planning, join faculty, staff and alums for an online Information Session on Monday, January 10th from 7-8:30pm. More info at
Visit for more information on the Institute and online courses.
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