I really want to watch the show but don't have a Television. Thus, I have to wait for it to come
online (video.pbs.org). They are pretty quick about it; happy to see my donations are working.
While on the topic of complex systems, yes, I think the planet Earth is one of the most complex systems ever. I come from a background in science and engineering, where in order to try and understand something you take enormous effort to break the complex system apart and study only one small aspect of the system. It really removes you from overall complex system. Yet, being the critical thinkers we are I've encountered the "all connectedness" of complex systems in Buddhism where all beings are interconnected,
Native American beliefs where all things are connected, and quantum physics where observing a phenomenon can change the phenomenon of observation.
While still new to
Permaculture, I really like what I see. I can't remember which permaculturist said it 'we must realize that we are part of nature and stop working against it'.