I would like to get my hands on some of the trees sold at burntridge nursery in Olympia.
They won't ship over the border and I don't know how legal it is for me to cross the border with the specimens.
Has anyone had experience crossing the border with plants?
I have noticed recently that many nurseries and seed companies have quit shipping to CA.
"The time and cost was getting too high." says one nursery.
I have heard horror stories from U.S. citizens trying to cross @ Vancouver.
Perhaps some of the smaller crossings aren't as 'militant'?
Grand Forks? Midway? Haynes Point/Osoyoos?
Thanks for the reply,
Ya the "peace arch" crossing which would be the closest too me is scary militant.
I can't find any government documents saying what is and isn't legal, and what kind of trouble I would be getting into if I crossed the border with the wrong plants.
He was giving me directions and I was powerless to resist. I cannot resist this tiny ad: