Hi everyone, my name is Zavi, I'm a 39/f. I'm woofing on a farm now in Oregon and really enjoying it. I've assumed a assistant manager position because I have done woofing on and off for decades, on various farms around the US. Recently, I have taken on a more serious tone towards farming. I would prefer to move on to another farm type situation and get paid, at least some money :D I worked for a farm that paid last year and enjoyed it. I would also like to go to a different state, maybe Colorado or Hawaii, or what do you have to suggest?
I have various levels of
experience with so many different things though the most experience with crops,
greenhouse, planting, harvesting, washing, etc. Some experience taking care of goats,
chickens, ducks and cows but minimal and would prefer not to. I can drive a
tractor, some experience with
irrigation, bee keeping and construction, I really enjoy it and would love to learn more. I am great completing a series of many tasks daily. I do things things without being asked as I see they need to be done and often work overtime while the other workers have left to make sure the space is clean and everything is put away. I recognize problems in the field and then do what I can to fix them. If I can't do something about it, then I tell the main farm owner. When the main farm owner is away doing other things, I direct the other workers and divvy out different tasks to them. I enjoy running a team. I am fit and energetic. The only thing I would specify about the place is that I can't work an environment where it's OK if some people are considered 'an abomination of god' 'satanic' or 'mentally ill' simply because they are different than you. I'm looking forward to learning more about farming, maybe you know of a place that would be right just for me?