posted 1 week ago
Hi! First post here. I’ve been growing blueberries for a few years in my garden. This winter I decided to start large scale hardwood/ semi hardwood propagation (after a couple winters of propagating here and there).
In one of my young bushes I purchased last year I’ve got small red spots on the leaves. I’ve done some research and can’t definitively say it’s one of the ringspot viruses. I’ve also got some purple color in a couple new growth leaves. What do you think?
For context, the soil on all of my bushes (young and old) is too alkaline. Definitely above the 5.5ph threshold. My other young bushes are showing signs of iron deficiency as a result of the PH. I’ve treated all the soils with pelleted sulfur, and re potted the young bushes adding spag peat moss and bagged ericaceous soil . Well aware that this will take months to correct, especially outside in the cold. I’ll be spraying chelated liquid iron in the short term. I’ve got urea and ammonium sulphate on stand by, I’ll probably be applying soon after more research. I also had a small aphid problem a couple weeks back that seems to be in check currently.