posted 11 years ago
With the intent of learning more about Hairy Vetch, which I know by the latin name of Vicia villosa, in order to plant and care for it skillfully, I went to the venerable site of Plants for a Future.
I always thought that when I had the Latin name, that all people talking about that Latin name would be talking about the same plant, and I have come to trust Plants for a Future.
SO I was amazed to find that Plants for a Future thinks that Vicia villosa refers to Large Russian Vetch, which sounds remarkable, a perenial nitrogen fixer whose leaves and seeds we can eat, which is a climber that grows to 6 feet, and which grows in any kind of soil of any pH, in sun or part shade?
So why is there this confusion?
And why have I not heard of this wonder plant before?
And where can I get some seeds?
Thank you.
Pamela Melcher
Happiness, Health, Peace and Abundance for All.