Course: 10 Week Internship, 530 hrs & 5 Certificate Courses
Dates: 28TH APR - 5TH JULY 2014
Asen 20, Vastra Amtervik, Sunne, 68695 Sweden
Cost: See website, earlybird discount available
Want to start a
project and farm in the future and don't know where to start? Are you already a farmer or land-manager wanting to use regenerative design to overhaul your enterprise? A pre-professional or professional designer wanting to broaden your skills and get practical project initiation skills? Our 10 week accelerator Internship program is specially designed for people wanting a fast track intensive immersion into project initiation, working alongside a professional designer accredited by P.R.I. (Aus) (reg. Teacher No. 24) & P.C. Assoc (UK). We believe this is a unique opportunity and learning
experience in Europe, with 5 certificate courses and intensive hands on experience implementing diverse systems at the first Keyline designed farm and dedicated professional
Permaculture education center in Scandinavia. This accelerator training is designed to fast track your
Permaculture pathway.
Training includes;
PDC certified by PRI (Aus) & PC Assoc (UK)
5 day Forest Gardens &
Perennial Cropping
5 day Regenerating Soils
5 day Keyline® Design & Holistic Management®
5 day Teaching
Permaculture Creatively
You will also have time each week to be working on a detailed personal design project, with regular feedback from a professional designer and your peers. You are also encouraged to keep a daily Learning Journal to build up a portfolio.
Internship Prospectus and Bookings here
Feedback from previous students;
“Permaculture consciously and intelligently integrates regenerative agricultural ecosystems with so-cially just environments to produce fulfilling, stable and ethically sound livelihoods through whole systems management. Reflecting natural patterns, flows and relationships, permaculture design functionally interconnects diverse elements in highly cooperative and mutually beneficial arrangements that display robust energy efficiency and abundance of yield. The ethic of reinvesting surplus into natural and social forms of capital promotes care of all beings and the planetary systems.” Richard Perkins
...farming, innovating & educating for the benefit of all...