Blue Paradise Farms in Friendship District, Westmoreland, Jamaica is a start-up eco-resort-cum-training site.
The plan is to create a
Permaculture demonstration residential smallholding - a tranquil environment, where teachers or facilitators can hold courses or events. Guests will be able to visit to relax, perhaps leaving behind the worries and cares of a fast-paced modern life. Guests could even use Blue Paradise Farms as a base from which to explore the beautiful island of Jamaica - a home away from home.
To kick off development of the site, we are running our first ever
Full & Certified Permaculture Design Course! This course,
led by International
Permaculture Teacher Peter Cow, will start the transformation of 15 acres of a former sugarcane plantation into a
Permaculture resort-cum-training site. It promises to be a fun-filled yet educational
In addition to the full 72 hour
PDC course:
We have our own professional Jamaican chef, Chef Kevin who caters for vegans, vegetarians and meat eatersApart from being a Permaculture tutor, Peter Cow is also a musician and will share his music with us.We have a field trip to an idyllic eco-resort which has an organic farm, river, off-grid energy etc. etc.There will also be a talent show
Please share this post with your friends and support Blue Paradise Farms as we strive to create a haven where persons of goodwill are welcome, create real opportunities for Jamaicans and share Permaculture knowledge.
For information about this course, please visit:
Video Interview
Radio Interview
Course Details
Contact: blueparadisefarms @
Please come along to learn, to enjoy and to assist this very exciting and worthy
Thanks for your support.