cheers all!
I've been a
permie visitor for a while but this is my first post.
A client of mine, a lovely permie-friendly couple in Northern VT are seeking to connect with some gentle, eco-sensitive folks who would relish the opportunity to use their 40-acre parcel to develop a farming /
permaculture business.
The property is a residential parcel in Essex, VT, consisting of mixed deciduous forest, open marshland, coniferous forest, and riparian ecosystems. Existing
land uses include vegetable gardens, a small orchard, rainwater collection,
solar hot water on the existing home, and a proposed commercial scale
solar PV array.
A significant portion of the site remains under-utilized and the owners would like to put it to productive use. They are both self-employed professionals in their 50s and do not feel they have the time to bring their property to fruition. They'd love to establish a relationship with an individual, or small group, wishing to establish a detailed plan and carry out the work of building a productive enterprise on their site. Potential enterprises may be agro-forestry, apiary, diversified vegetable, and/or mycological endeavors depending on skill-sets, background, and funding. In return the homeowner seeks a flexible rent arrangement consisting of a combination of work-trade, crop-share, and cash payments. They want to get a yield out of the property as well

, but truly want to see someone develop a thriving, productive business from the land.
We have a completed site assessment, photos, and a more thorough description of the property. Message me directly and we can figure out how to get those docs to you.
Some of the property owner's desires are:
Hugelkultur = Yes!
Mushroom cultivation = Yes!
Bees = YES!!
thanks and be well all,