Hello everyone,
We are about to buy a 25-ha
land - used so far as ecologically certified pasture and meadows - in the Sudety mountains in Poland, very close to both the Czech and German borders. Our main goal is to create a place where wild nature, healthy and delicious food are intertwined with inspiring education, hands-on demonstration and robust research. We are looking for like-minded people (i.e. interested in
Permaculture, Ecological Restoration, Holistic Management etc). who would like to join us, as co-owners and co-creators.
We are a Polish-Hungarian couple with a 3-year old son, currently during the 7-months trip dedicated to learning practical skills necessary for our plans. You can find more details about the
project, the draft design, and us using the following link:
If interested, please write to me:
Noemi and Maciek