(Takilma, OR) This weekend we are excited to be assisting with Grow a Food Forest Weekend
Workshop - an entire weekend immersion and hands-on practice in a developing food forest. The workshop includes a wild edible and
medicinal plant walk with herbalist Debbie Lukas (Siskiyou Mountain Herbs), hands-on food forest planting and care with
permaculture designer Steve Orr (Frog Farm), Community Food Forests presentation and film with Kristen Reya Steele (Eden Regeneration Alliance), and Growing Food Forests workshop with Don Tipping (Seven Seeds Farm). Registration includes camping, and three community prepared meals. The weekend workshop begins at 9:30AM Saturday and ends at 5PM Sunday. Check out this event on
Facebook ("Search Grow a Food Forest Weekend"). For more information, please contact Debbie Lukas at 541-592-3386 or
Also, take the Eden Regeneration Alliance survey at
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FoodForest if you are interested in receiving assistance with establishing a food forest!