So here in NC we can't buy raw milk for human consumption, but you can for your animals. Obviously the farmer knows what I really mean when I say it is for my pets, but in case he or someone asks what type of pets.
What animals drink cows milk..... other than a baby cow. Which if you had a cow, you probably wouldn't be buying milk. lol
The farmer probably doesn't care as long as he's selling milk. I doubt if any officials come knocking on your door, but if they do, tell them you gave the last bottle calf away yesterday to your Auntie in Kansas. Years ago, our youngest had reactions to everything, except raw goats milk. I loved that stuff!! I wish I could get it here.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
We work on a dairy and the only animals here who don't drink the milk (when we have excess or skim from making cream or whey) are the horse and the goat. The goat may even go for it we haven't. Not that I am advocating this practice, it is just what is done here. The animals that drink it is calves, pigs, chickens, dogs, and cats.
I love a woman who dresses in stainless steel ... and carries tiny ads: