Hello, I am George, from Germany and it's been a while, since shopping in Malls and reporting to superiors in the office, no longer smile at me. I am going to do serious changes and cut from the list, everything which became senseless (man, I have to cut a lot, but I hardly wait

I want to go and live in a place, in the nature, in a self
sustainable community, far away from industrialization and materialism, somewhere in Portugal or Spain. However, I want to make sure I am going to have a valid health insurance all my life and therefore I have to know in advance, if I can afford to pay it, or not. So, I would really appreciate whether there's folks here, who can tell me how much do I have to pay, for the basic health insurance, in Portugal and Spain, when you live off grid.
Here in Germany, the government, takes "good care of you", not to easily go off grid, so that, they keep you looping into their grotesque game, because it costs 170 euro/month (funny isn't it

) Along with that, it is mandatory to pay the radio 16 euro/month, even if you don't have one (even more funny).
Thank you in advance!