An examination into the sculpting of the earth for
water infiltration. A diverse approach to the palette of
earthworks available for this critical point of regeneration. Join us at Treasure Lake for some
permaculture in action!
In this weekend course, we will be sculpting the earth for water harvesting and access all the while bringing a greater level of biodiversity to the property grounds. The course aims to give you tools for managing landscapes holistically and speeding along the regeneration work that stems from this holistic approach. The course will be a unique blend of observing existing systems, implementing new ones, and designing for those in the future. The course will constantly weave through the TreeYo Holistic Model of Development thus intertwining many factors of development. From soils to budgets, from nursery operations to machinery types, this course will be a kicksatarter for moving your own projects or consulting forward. The course will flow from theory, to the planning and design both inside and in the field, and move into concentrated times of implementation.
We will be examining and working with many of the following earthworks:
Check dams
Silt traps
Terraces, hand and machine made
rain gardens/ pit gardens/ banana circles
diversion drains
sunken and raised beds
We will be looking in-depth towards when to use these particular earthworks and how to execute them with care, precision, and the post work to make them function optimally. By using a diversity of earthworks in different zones to match particular needs of the
land through contextual and climatic review, you will walk away with a greater confidence on which to choose for accelerating succession and evolution at different sites. We aim to improve the hydrological cycle at Treasure Lake and within the greater watershed of the area and invite you to be apart of that. This is the next step for the site, to lay the mainframe and from there start to work with others in the watershed to maintain higher water quality within Treasure Lake.