Russ Patrick

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since Nov 15, 2011
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Recent posts by Russ Patrick

Plucked one of my rotted root abscessed molars out with pliers last month. The swelling and infection spread to my ears, sinus cavities and eye sockets. Hot salt water flushes alleviated the problem and pain for several months, but eventually the pain became excruciating and the infection was winning.

Didn't hurt or bleed much when I yanked it. Whale of a tooth. I might scrimshaw it with virgin maiden boobs or something similar. It'd make a nice necklace. And yeah I was thinking of Tom Hanks in Cast Away when I did that.


2 years ago
Spring is here and I wanted to let folks know I'm still available for a possible work/housing exchange. If it's a good fit and assuming I can get there. GA or NC would be best for my needs, but I'll consider other locations. I'm currently stuck out west and barely scraping by. Need to get back east because my belongings are in storage outside Atlanta.

I would pay at least enough rent to cover my utilities expenses, and provide my own food and other supplies. Just looking to work light labor jobs, lend a hand a few hours here and there in exchange for rent reduction.

I'm really wanting a separate unit, a place with private entrance and modern amenities, and to stay for several years, but I'm open to a more temporary arrangement. I'm also interested in renting a place even if there's no work exchange available, if you happen to know someone with an affordable place for rent. $500/month is my limit.

I have no special skills or farming experience, and no wheels at this time, but if you might have a spot I'd fit in, somewhere close to town and grocery stores, and can use a helping hand, please message me to discuss. If I do not reply then I probably didn't receive your message.

Thanks to Permies forum for allowing me to run this ad, and best wishes to all in 2019.
5 years ago
Hello all

This will be a pretty long shot since I'm in a difficult situation, my needs are rather specific, and don't have a lot to offer. And autumn is upon us, so the timing isn't great, but thought I'd at least put myself out there and see if any opportunities arise. Now or in the months to come.

I'm male in my mid 50s. Haven't worked a regular job in years. My only skill is trucking and I'm done with that line of work.

I'm seeking year round housing at an affordable rate. Somewhere in the southeast, NC or GA would be best for my needs, but I'd also consider other locations.

Unfortunately I'm currently stranded out west with no vehicle and an expired drivers license, so that presents a significant obstacle. Can maybe renew my license soon but no way I can afford wheels at this time.

But if I can find my way back east and a good place to stay, I'd be willing to pay partial rent plus work part time in exchange for rent reduction. I do have an income, albeit low. I'm not so much in need of paid salary as a break in bills and something productive to occupy my time.

For a long term arrangement, ideally I'd occupy a separate private unit of my own, such as single wide trailer trailer or small apartment with private entrance. Although I would also consider sharing a home with one single person. Just not with couples, families, community housing etc.

As for location, nothing off grid or way back in the boonies since I do not have wheels. And I'd want full amenities, kitchen, fridge, washer dryer, and good internet is absolutely essential.

To be clear right up front, if no work were available in any given month, $500 would be the maximum rent I could afford, including utilities.

I don't have any farming related knowledge or skills, but I'm always interested in learning something new. I love the outdoors, animals, gardening etc, and I've never been afraid to get my hands dirty. And I wouldn't mind other type jobs, such as simple yard work, running errands, helping with a small business etc.

I'm physically able, not overweight, but I can't do heavy lifting, or too much bending, since my back sometimes cramps up, I have a hernia, and my knees are not in great shape, due to my age and past work related strains and injuries. But I can certainly handle a good bit of physical work, if it's only a few hours here and there and not overly strenuous.

I do smoke cigarettes, and I'm not vegetarian if those are issues.

When I've got the travel money, I could fly back east, but getting from the nearest major airport to wherever I might be heading would be a problem.

Currently all my belongings are in storage in Atlanta. My goal is at some point rent a truck and move all my stuff into a home and sort it all out, get rid of as much as I can to lighten my load.

I've also been wanting to get involved with arts and crafts and pottery. I have some small hand and power tools and art supplies, and it would be fantastic if I could set up a little workshop, art studio area in a spare room or shed. Hopefully I can eventually find some way to earn a few extra bucks doing that, and buy a vehicle with the extra income.

Well if you might have a slot I'd fit into, or know someone who does, please let me know.

If possible I'd want to stay at least several years, but I'd also be interested in other temporary options. I could exchange labor for one month rent or so, just to have an affordable place to land while I search for more permanent housing.

Thanks for reading and best wishes to all.
6 years ago

kathryn mims wrote:Lost touch with you Russ... Hope your well. How's things working out? Still interested in working out here for a while? We'd love to hear from you.

Hey Kathy. I called y'all from NY, talked to your husband, but sounded like he had his hands full. I asked him to call me back when he had time... no call though. No big deal, I'm sure you are both very busy. Anyway, I couldn't find work or decent housing in NY, so I hitched a ride back to SC. I'm in Beaufort now. My situation has not improved, but thank you for asking. Truth be told, our water just got cut off this morning. The marine I'm renting a room from bounced the check. Now, I don't know where I will go. I checked out your FB page, many months ago... did not appear to be what I'm looking for. Really I don't know what I'm looking for, other than something that probably doesn't exist. I imagined a trailer out back behind a farm house... with AC, cable, internet, running water, and I would work part time for a break in rent, get to know farming, animals... drive the truck... haha I'm probably crazy. Well, thanks again for checking in on me. I hope your farming biz is flourishing

12 years ago

kathryn mims wrote:Hi Russ. Hope things are improving for you!

We are looking for some help, in SC north of Aiken. Why don't you call us if you are still interested? view our profile then call Joe 912-271-8945 if you are interested. We need an able, hardworking person to live on site and help us start our farm.

Hi Kathryn and thanks for your reply. Unfortunately my situation has not improved. I'm interested in discussing your offer and I'm hoping we can help each other out. I will try to reach you today. Thank you.

12 years ago
Thanks everyone for your kind words and advice. So far no luck finding what I'm looking for, but I know it's a very long shot.
If anyone is interested in talking to me about work or shelter, please note I have relocated to Albany NY.
But I'm willing to move almost anywhere on the east coast for a good employment & housing opportunity. Getting there however, might be difficult.

Thanks again and best wishes to all.

13 years ago
Hello forum. If anyone can offer me some helpful advice or suggestions I would very much appreciate it.

I'm a 48 year old man who currently resides in SC, but I may be heading to NY soon. Don't know yet.
I've been a trucker for many years but I suffer from depression and I can't endure the long hours, high stress and lack of sleep anymore.
Due to my health problems I went on disability a few years ago. Good for my health but bad for my wallet. The bottom line is I'm so broke I don't even own a car. Even worse, I've completely lost my direction in life and don't know what to do with my days, other than arts and crafts, which is fun but doesn't pay the bills.

I very much want (and need) to work part time but I don't seem to fit in anywhere except in trucks or outdoors, like on a farm or in the forest. I love nature, animals & plants. So I began looking for farm hand jobs recently, hoping that I'd find someone offering light work in exchange for shelter. No luck so far, but it did bring me to this forum, which is why I'm posting this.

I'd really like to work on a farm but I know absolutely nothing about farming or animals. All I know is I love the environment and learning new things. I've looked all over for a part time trucking job working for ranches & farms but no luck. Such jobs are few and far between, and without a car I'm helpless. Also not many farms in my area (Charleston).

So I guess my question is, if you were me... where would you look for work & shelter? I'm thinking it would be awesome if I could intern on a farm and maybe drive their trucks as well, in exchange for a room. But I have no idea where to begin looking for such an unusual opportunity. And considering my age, physical limitations (back & knee problems), no car, and no skills other than trucking & some forklift experience, I can't imagine anyone wanting to hire me. But if such an opportunity ever arose, I'd be willing to relocate almost anywhere in the US, provided of course I could get there.

Well I guess that's all I have to say. If anyone can point me in the right direction or by some miracle needs a part time trucker/farm hand... and has housing to offer, please reply. I should also mention I have tank endorsement on my CDL, so I can haul bulk milk for a dairy farm if needed. And I have some log hauling experience as well. Thank you and best wishes to all.

13 years ago