Michelle Heath

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since Feb 26, 2012
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Middle-aged mother of one finally accepting and living my dream life with practically zero budget and more importantly, zero debt. I've been known to stop along the road and rescue discarded flower pots, fill buckets with mulch left by road crews and to grab treasures out of the garbage that I can clean and resell to support my habit.
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Last year I had my first significant harvest of dry beans.  We experienced extreme drought here which I think was a big help but I policed the bean plots every day, grabbing dried pods.  On the occasions rain was threatened, I removed mature pods and brought them inside to dry.  My seed starting rack was empty so I spread the pods out in trays and kept a fan blowing in that direction.

As for the bush bean plots, I had bought some of that 1' tall decorative fencing sections on clearance with intentions of using it to dress up part of the back yard.  It came in very handy to place between the rows of beans and/or along the edges of the beds to keep the beans off the ground.  
6 days ago
Last year was the first time Ive had issues with anything except birds grabbing a few newly emerged seedlings.  First it was baby rabbits in the new garden eating my beans.  For some reason they favored the hyacinth beans and chewed the stalks in two right as they were ready to bloom.  Then they started on beans in another part of the garden and seemed to favor the noodle beans.  I had a roll of aluminum soffit and ended up encircling the trellis with it and it worked but was a major PITA as I had to step over it or move it to drag the hoses in for watering (gravity fed system).  Moles/voles have been a minor issue in the past with an occasional plant disappearing and being replaced by a hole.  Last year I had a fully grown pepper plant suddenly wilt and didn't think anything of it as we were experiencing severe drought.  Upon closer inspection I discovered the plant's roots had been eaten.  Something is also living in my old garden and I suspected it was a mouse as I'd find a pile of chewed pea or bean hulls while weeding my paths.  for that one I blame myself as the weeds got ahead of me and my beds are more of a priority than the paths.

As for seed starting, I'm procrastinating.  I had what I thought was a minor injury but has kept me a bit incapacitated since June.  I did get a lot accomplished last year, but lots left to do and of course I'm wondering how much of an issue those rodents will be this year.  I brought in the soil and have 95% of my seeds but just cant get in gear.

6 days ago
Time is my major constraint.  In the warm months I typically work from daybreak to dark and making bread is not high on my priority list.  Winter is usually when I do most of my baking but I'm still nursing an injury from eight months ago and it has slowed me down both physically and mentally.  I did make a couple of basic loaves last week and while they tasted really good, I know I've made better.  

Sourdough has been hit and miss with me.  It takes more time to get it going in winter and then I'm apt to get sidetracked and forget about it for a few days and it gets nasty.  
1 week ago
Since I have a bit of downtime, I'm concentrating on the totes of denim for sewing and quilting projects.  In the past few weeks I've broken down approximately 20 pairs of jeans into quarters or halves.  Zippers are put into a container for future use along with the waistbands.  Currently have the "parts" in a spare laundry basket where some will be cut into pieces for upcoming projects.

Also put all of my T-shirts with really short sleeves into the donate pile.  I don't like the sleeve length and rarely wear them, so why keep them.    
1 month ago

Anne Miller wrote:I feel that some of the most important thing an aging homesteader can do is to stay active and learn how to deal with aches and pains.

I consider myself a pretty resilient person, but this year was challenging.  Had a minor ankle sprain and in the following weeks I overcompensated with the other foot and ended up with another sprain.  It didn't stop me but boy did it slow me down.  Between the sprains and a bum knee, kneeling wasn't an issue, but getting back up was.  So for Christmas hubby has bought me one of those combination bench/kneelers.   Currently doing physical therapy at home along with strengthening exercises to prepare for the new gardening season.
1 month ago
I'm putting this is gardening for beginners as I thought it may be of use to someone just starting out or experiencing unexpected drought conditions.

Last year my rain barrels were topped off in July and I eventually had to drain them before freezing weather set in.  This year has been the complete opposite as we're experiencing the worst drought of my lifetime (and I'm no spring chicken).  According to drought maps, our area is designated as D3 but I expect it to be D4 by the next update.  Farm ponds not fed by a reliable spring are either dry or dangerously low.  Most farmers haven't been able to get a second cutting of hay and crops have suffered.  We were in the area of a local waterfall last week and it's merely a trickle when it's normally a rapid.

Here on my little bit of paradise, it has been a learning experience.  I expanded the area of one of my gardens by three and managed to get the majority of it planted.  It has definitely been a learning experience.  

Any beans I planted were watered enough to get them established and then only watered when plants showed signs of stress.  I'm not harvesting as many beans as in past years, but enough to have green beans almost daily and a need to freeze the excess.  My dry bean mixes are really starting to produce and thankfully I don't have to deal with them rotting due to excessive rain.  One of the mixes was from Going to Seed and another is a soup bean mix I threw together.  I'm also growing an Appalachian bean Grex developed by a grower in my state and should harvest a good amount of seed to grow next year.  I also participated in a bean trial and one variety produced several meals as well as at least half a pound of seed, while another produced a handful and struggled.  The final bean of the trial has had luscious foliage but took three months to flower.  I currently have 2.5" pods on this variety but whole I may be able to harvest some as snaps, I have little confidence of harvesting mature seed.  

The only tomato that has thrived is a variety called Ten Fingers of Naples that is my preferred paste tomato.  I watered the plants as they were getting established, but only once during the drought and they're so lush and productive that I have to get on my knees to look into the foliage jungle to find ripe tomatoes.  All of my other tomatoes have pretty much died from lack of water.  

I also grew a sweet pepper mix from going to seed and they were transplanted into native soil which had previously been covered with cardboard and partially decayed wood chips.  They were watered in at planting time, but since the purpose of growing them is to select the varieties that will thrive, I haven't watered since.  About half of the plants are flourishing and are loaded with peppers, the other half are yellow and struggling.  The only plant I lost was due to vole damage and of course it was one of the ones that was doing great.  The only other variety I grew this year was Corbaci from seeds I saved the previous year.  I'm not really a pepper person but this is probably my favorite variety and it always produces well.  Producing so well this year that I've had to harvest several times to keep the plants from bending over due to the weight.  I'd estimate at least 20-25 peppers per plant and they're still blooming profusely.  These were transplanted after I pulled the garlic from the same bed and I initially wondered if they'd thrive.  

I harvested cucumbers for the first time in years as they usually succumb to insect damage before producing.  Maybe it's because they are growing alongside the beans on the trellis, but I'm harvesting enough to have at least one every day.  Corn however has been a failure.  I do hope to have an early or two for seed but not setting my expectations high.  Kale that self-seeded in a garden bed behind the house have performed well too.  Other crops didn't do so well, but you have that even in a good year.

So what have I learned from this?  I've learned which varieties/mixes flourish in drought conditions and more importantly what beds/areas of my garden need work.  The tomato bed was new and consisted of a bit of everything: compost, leaf mold, composted chicken poop, biochar, a few bags of organic soil mix and basically whatever I could find around the property.  It's a shallow bed so I have no doubt whatsoever that the tomatoes have rooted in the Rocky clay beneath, which may have been their salvation.  I'm participating in a winter pea trial and obviously they'll go into the beds that performed poorly.  One of my bean mixes included cow peas and they're producing well.  This is my first experience with them, but eager to see if they produce that well in a year with sufficient rainfall.  Every bed that was heavily mulched with shredded leaves last fall has performed pretty well too.  So while the season is winding down, I'll be gathering inputs to improve existing areas.

While we may never again have a drought of this magnitude in my lifetime, I've gained lots of experience this season.  The crops that have flourished will be noted and seeds from those crops grown again next year to see if results are the same.  I'll also begin to landrace some of the bean varieties as over the years I've selected the ones with exceptional flavor and think it's time to throw them into the genetic melting pot.  I also have a warm fuzzy feeling when I see my neighbor's gardens dried up and finished, while I'm almost at peak production and should be able to harvest until frost
I always interpreted the pest aspect to mean insects instead of mammals but I could be wrong.  Fencing is a necessity here as we have lots of deer.  This year moles have made a myriad of tunnels under the new garden and mice have used them as a means to feast on seeds and seedlings.  Baby bunnies can squeeze through the fence and are using my beans for snacks. Oddly the seem to have a love for hyacinth beans as they've devoured every plant while leaving the adjacent climbing beans alone... for now.

Unless I protect it, I cannot harvest comfrey as the deer will eat it down to stubs every single time as well every hosta and daylily I have.  At one time I grew a good bit a long the edge of the woods for them to munch on and may resort to doing that again in an attempt to entice them away.  Maybe you could plant a few crops to entice them away from your main garden area.
Regarding comfrey in a pot-I pretty much established patches every time I moved the pot mine were originally in.  Roots had grown through the bottom of the pot and were left behind and essentially created a new patch.

I generally opt to go with a minimum cutting length of 2" and even longer is it's a tiny root.  I rooted several cuttings in two window boxes this year with nearly all of the larger cuttings surviving and approximately half of the smaller ones.  Of course we've had quite a drought this year but I've noticed the same thing with tiny roots in the past.
5 months ago
Pearl if I could give you a hug right now I would!  

My original search was for recommended spacing of cattle panel arches as the one I have is a bit too close but fits the space I'd intended.  So to find this holy grail of a thread in my search was absolutely enlightening as I was about to embark on wrestling two of them in place.  Posts in place and was wondering if I could find a bit of rope in place of a ratchet strap and suddenly remembered there should be one in the car and alas there was!

My panels are used and aren't perfect especially as my husband decided he needed to use the car to pull one from the weeds and grass that had overtaken it in the spring (have a lot of time and elbow grease in straightening that one out).  Started with that one simply because I'd already dragged it to the site and oh my goodness what I timesaver!  I only had one strap so positioned it approximately in the middle of the panel about 3' from each end and other than stopping to adjust the strap once, it was almost effortless!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing!
7 months ago
I'm not just a shovel breaker but a fork, rake and hoe bender and breaker.  Even broke a tine off of the corona hand fork but evidently tapping that brick under the edge of the raised bed wasn't what it was designed for.  

I've lived here for over 30 years and evidently the previous owner just tossed anything with a broken handle over the hill as I seen to find a shovel or rake head every spring.  I'll also admit the broken implements are displayed in my garden waiting on the day when I'll either put handles in them or do something more creative.
7 months ago