Rocket Mass Heater Manual
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

Suzanne Cornell

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since Apr 19, 2012
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Grew up in NY state some years Europe. Am part owner in my families farm that has been in our hands from the first land grant (1700)
Went to college for a few years then dropped out to fulfill my aspirations of being a punk rock. Was a punk rock for 15 years in the worst part of NYC. Had fun but it got old. moved back to the country had a kid. Made money doing various crafts and art. Went back to school got my acupuncture degree.  Got divorced moved back to the country again. Got my nursing degree, am still in the country and about to start building a cob house.
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Recent posts by Suzanne Cornell

Thanks so much Dennis Bangham for the info. I Will be starting this experiment next month, I will let you know how it goes. TOM, I will not eat the mushrooms no mater how tempting they may look. I always have more questions.. do puffballs detox the same way? I can find them readily arround the farm.
Mike, I am also starting rotational grazing ( or paddock grazing) with cattle next year that will help replenish the soil. I will start with goats followed by cattle then chickens...But I also wanted to follow the chickens with compost. and reseeding with more native fodder and a variety of native medicinal plants. will speed up the healing and make great soil, and good feed.
I currently have a 20" break between out fields and the conventional farming neighbor .. Thinking about using some trees as a barrier and detox planting.. Wondering if I plant ash then use it for fire wood if I will pollute the air and my land all over again. ? Ah, its so depressing trying to fight the toxic way our culture lives on the earth.
Thank you so much for the info.
5 years ago
I was wanting to help my families farm's soil. We have been here from the early 1700. So the soil has gone through DDT and all the others horrors of recent farming techniques. My grandfather stoped the use of heavy pesticides when he was in his 50's. No chemicals have been used on the farm for 25+ years. The soil is depleted however as most of the field have been rented for hay, with little or no additions, just taking out every year. I want to apply compost on a large scale to help renew the soil. I wanted to put out a sign - please dump you food waist here and have a bin. I haven't done this for fear of GMO's and pesticides. But I think RedHawk is saying that if I compost well with mushrooms and compost hot for a year, I can mitigate most of the harmful pesticides and additions my neighbors eat? Am I understanding this correctly? How would you go about doing this on a large scale? I guess a tractor would be needed to stir it up after the layers are starting to cool down? How often do you add the mushroom spoors? How do I grow enough mushrooms to do this without breaking the bank? Any ideas on large scale composting for 80 acres?
Also do I need to put inoculated wood in there? or will they grow on substrate in the compost.. There will be sawdust and wood chips in there also.
5 years ago
New video about what I am doing building my house on Facebook. It took 12 hours to upload it because my connection is so bad. That is why the link instead of trying to re-upload here.
8 years ago
I wonder why there has been no response to this?
If any one is interested in helping I will get in touch with the organizers. I don't want to bother those busy people unless there is a chance we (permies people)can help. I know many of them are in tents some very large some teeny. I was thinking pocket rockets with a heat sink of a cob bed platform.  Or a large rockets outside stove that pipes heat into several tents through a cob heat sink network (probably safer), but I am no expert. Looks like the area they are in has clay soil. Probably why they chose that location to dam the river.
8 years ago
These people
need help keeping their community warm this winter please help them
In solidarity with these brave water protectors
8 years ago
This coming week, getting sharp#2 gravel for under the stone walls. Ordering the cool mortar that Stan Petersen developed Lime Strong check it out at
Also gonna use it on the outside of the cob walls...
Hoping to start the stone walls as soon as the mortar comes. It is dependent on me getting electric up and running so I can use the well pump as the creek went dry.
Wish me luck here I go!

Pictures to follow
8 years ago
And drainage gravel!
8 years ago
drainage pipes
and 4foot pit for walk out door to green house (code requirement )
8 years ago
Trying to upload the pictures of the 20x24 foundation.
I am back filling the basement and the walk in green house to avoid possible flooding problems as we are near a creek.
8 years ago
Maybe it should be pumice cob?
Any way I have started
Tried posting 3 pics of the foundation hole, the drain pipes and then the gravel fill in but it would not post and I lost the whole long winded description. So now you are gonna have to wait for the long version as I am so tired that I will do it tomorrow. Just wanted to thank all of you at permies for all the knowledge, support and kindness in getting me to this spot. I am actually doing it because of you smart goof balls.
Thank you thank you thank you
I am building my house!
8 years ago