mitch brant

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since Jun 20, 2012
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Deb Stephens wrote:
6 -- Wild sweet potato vine (Ipomea pandurata) -- has edible, starchy roots.
Yes. You are right. Bindweed lobes are higher on the leaves.

7 -- Saint Johnswort? Unless this photo is an extreme close up of only one flower on a spike. (Or could be St. Andrew's cross -- they look very much alike. Hypericum spp.)
Doesn't St. Johnswort have fewer petals? St. Andrew's even has fewer petals.

9 -- Joe Pyeweed (Eupatorium purpureum) A great butterfly plant.
Looks like Knapweed of some sort. The coloring is more like Ironweed, but the leaves are wrong, and I never seen Joe Pye Weed with multiple leaflets, but I may be wrong. Also flowers for Joe Pye weed are not as generally as deep purple as those shown.

9 years ago
Some of these are already answered
1. Prickly Lettuce
2. VelvetLeaf
3. Smartweed of some type
4. Stonecrop/Sedum
5. False Foxglove
6. Bindweed of some type

Agree with the previous poster about Common Mallow and Hibiscus (including Rose of Sharon). Most, if not all of them are edible.
9 years ago
It would be helpful to see the plant's leaves to make an ID.
9 years ago
There are several Burdock species. From Eat the Weeds:

There are at least three species of burdock in North America, all edible and all imports. The most common is the “lesser” Arctium minus. (ARK-ti-um MYE-nus) It grows from knee to shoulder height and is found just about everywhere except Florida. The “great burdock” and the “wooly burdock” are less known. The “great” can grow to nine feet high but usually doesn’t but its flowers are larger than the minus. The “woolly” has “fleece” on its flower heads.
9 years ago
Very good. From the #2 photo, it looked like the plant had only 3 leaflets, which made it look like a Desmodium or possibly Hog Peanut or a relative. Also size of the flower and number per stem wasn't apparent. Butterfly Pea has 5 leaflets but I didn't see all five in the photo. With the Cat's Claw, the woody stems looked like a tree or bush rather than a vine. Mesquites have similar looking leaves and flowers.
9 years ago
#1 From the leaves, looks like some type of tick-trefoil (Desmodium). Can't tell how large the flowers are from the photo, so that makes ID more difficult.
#2 Looks more like a tree - the thorns are noticeable. If a tree, probably Mesquite. If not, not sure what it is.
#3 Rattlesnake Master
9 years ago
#1 flower looks a lot like Wild Petunia. Not really sure of the ID though because the plant leaves are not hairy as Hairy Wild Petunia. Maybe a related species?
9 years ago
#2 looks like a Milkweed. Possibly Blood Flower/Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica).
9 years ago
Looks like White Mulberry.
9 years ago