from my understanding vinegar mother feed on alcohol to produce vineger, so first you will have to make juice from your apples and ferment it.
I have accomplished this without a juicer by chopping and blending apples into a mush, running the mush though a flour press, then squeezing the juice out of the mush by putting it in a cheesecloth pouch.
after i fill a jug i add a little yeast and wait a few weeks for fermentation to finish.
after you have cider you will need to try and harvest some wild vinegar mother, ive heard the best way to do this is to put some sugar water mixed with yeast into an old water bottle and hang it under a tree and wait for flies to swarm it, after a while there should be dead bugs and a white web type mold, gather and wash this mold off, it is vinegar mother, it will produce vinegar.
Place the vinegar mother into your fermented apple cider and wait until it tastes right, then strain it and repeat for more.
I have never gone as far as producing vinegar myself yet so do not take my words as expertise, this is what i recall reading.
Look up green dean on youtube, he has a video on this.