Heba Saleh

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since Aug 07, 2012
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Recent posts by Heba Saleh

Great opportunity! I'd love to go to the conference in New York I started another thread asking how people switch to a real foods diet, and how they compare and find sources of local food in the process: https://permies.com/t/16597/food-medicine/Becoming-real-food-convert-finding I'm curious to hear about others' experiences!
12 years ago
Hi there, I just joined this forum after learning about it through Sarah's blog (The Healthy Home Economist). I have a strong interest in sustainable farming and traditional food preparation. I learned about WAPF about two years ago, and since then, I've enjoyed sharing with others how to spot real food, how to find it, and how to prepare it. I write about health and food on my blog, My Life in a Pyramid (http://mylifeinapyramid.com) and I share traditional Middle Eastern recipes on a site I co-author with a friend: MidEATS (http://mideats.com).

I've been doing a bit of research lately into how people learn about food/health, and what inspires them to take active steps to find local, sustainable sources of food for them and their families. I am most curious to hear about HOW people switch to eating a real foods diet -- do people do it in stages, or do they do an overhaul of their diet right away? Also, when a decision is made to find raw milk or join a cow share or CSA, what internet tools (or other tools) are used to find and compare sources? I've started this thread to learn more about the process people go through to switch to a real foods diet -- so please share your experiences with me!

Also, I would love the chance to attend the WAPF conference in New York! Anyone here going to that one?
12 years ago