Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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joyce bowden

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since Aug 15, 2012
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Recent posts by joyce bowden

R Scott : thanks, for the quick info and for the Steven Harris info alert
11 years ago
Great idea! With hugels, do you know what kind of mycelium is it that breaks the wood up into soil quickly?
11 years ago

R Scott
May 6, 2013 4:33:26 PM EDT Subject: electricity
That teg would be perfect for powering a 12v circulation pump for a wood fired water heater when you can't rely on thermosiphoning. Not for the top of a rocket barrel, but down by the transition.

That plus

plus a roll of PEX and you could transfer heat all over a house with a single stove. Or even a second building or greenhouse room.

Oh wow, thanks for this info! Hey, do you think this 12V Solar Hot Water Pump run by a 10W solar panel might be able to bring water up from a 360 foot well?

11 years ago
Hi Jennifer, Nope, - good idea. Will do it!
11 years ago
I'm trying to decide between a natural pool and an aquaponics greenhouse system in the old pool in the backyard of where I've moved (Hillsborough NC). The thought was if i go with the natural pool to have fish, and a place where folks can swim - now I need more info on what that actually looks like.

How best can the water from a natural pool be used for drinking in emergency, or is it best to have separate systems in place?

11 years ago
Wow, Alder, this is incredibly helpful and practical. Gonna do it, since I have four newly planted trees now!
11 years ago
Hi Dillon,

Would you guys want to come here to live/help out? Hillsborough NC. Just moved here, getting set up, and need another structure built. Setting up solar, water system to empty into what was used as a backyard pool, food systems.


joyce from NC
11 years ago
Hi Ryan and Paul, I ordered one of these rocket stoves pre-made yesterday. Will try making my own a little later,but busy with planting as it is just me here now... Joyce in NC
11 years ago