Carly Hobson

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since Jan 06, 2013
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Recent posts by Carly Hobson

Hi Duncan, are you wanting to team up/live with others who have a similar idea? If so have you tried diggers and dreamers? If anything it's a good place to find others! Good luck
12 years ago
Have you heard of squash nutrition? They're doing some permaculture projects in merseyside, and they have a food growing group in Toxteth, they're really good! And growing your own food (even in wee boxes) is a start, so many people have lost the connection to where our most basic food comes from. I think you have to be quite creative applying permaculture principles to an urban environment like Liverpool (I'm in the south) but that it's possible! I would love to have a beehive and chickens...and a forest garden! and can see myself getting there eventually. But for the time being I have my wee garden and allotment. Have you done the permaculture design course?
12 years ago
Hello, I'm in Liverpool too! Have just come across this forum whilst reading up on permaculture (am doing the design course at the moment).
12 years ago