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Dori Sz. September

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since Feb 01, 2013
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Thanks a lot!

So, I'll have to be careful to manage them, but I don't have to be worried about them being allopathic.

11 years ago
Hi Guys,

One quick question: are bamboos allopathic? I would like to grow bamboos given all their amazing properties but I am a bit concerned about this issue. I've read on the net that the leaves are allopathic. It would be nice to hear the opinion of experienced people. .
11 years ago
Hi Thea,

Thanks for your answer! You cheered me up! I've already gave up on angora rabbits because of the fur issue and was thinking about angora goats. It's good to know that it's possible to keep them clean. So, I'll definitely go for rabbits, too!
11 years ago
Hi Guys!

I am planning to keep some angora rabbits. For the fur and the rabbit poop, too and they are very cute, so the 3 functions are met

I am generally very concerned about animal welfare and like to spoil my critters. I don't like the idea that my rabbits would spend their lives in a cage. I was thinking about a hutch (for night) and leave some place for them to hang around during the day. That all sounds nice, but... I was reading books and they say that the bunnies shouldn't spoil their fur with poop or pee. Which makes sense.

Anybody having any idea or experience what I could do to have a win-win situation, have clean bunnies who have fun in their life not just squashed in a cage?

Thanks a lot!

11 years ago
Hi Mark,

Sorry this morning I was very tired, couldn't answer longer. So, we'll build a sandbag house with ecobeams, and according to the builder it has got a very good thermal mass. But I still wanted to check out the passive design, because we are committed to use as little energy as possible. One of our rooms where we currently stay happens to have a wonderful design( I'm sure accidentally ) where we get sunlight through the window during winter, and the room warms up very nicely, during summer it does not happen, so it's quite cool. I watched maybe a year ago Bill Mollison's Permaculture Design Course on DVD and I did remember that he was speaking about the % of the window surface, and the house design but I couldn't remember correctly. Since the post I've checked his book, and found some info, although not very much detailed.
So, thanks again for the answer!
11 years ago
Hi Mark,

Thank you very much for your detailed answer, it's much appreciated!
11 years ago
I thought about the overhanging shade myself, too. I just wanted to figure out if anybody knows a more or less accurate window/wall percentage. But thanks for your answer.
11 years ago
Hi Guys,

I need some advise! We are about to build a passive solar house ( we live in South Africa). Lounge, study and 1 bedroom facing north ( towards the Sun) and we need to figure out how much the window size needs to be the compared to the wall size. ( Like for instance 30% or 40% of the wall needs to be window.) Anybody having an idea where I could check this out? Or which book gives info about this?

Any help is much appreciated!

11 years ago