With very careful design, you can get away with an absolute maximum of 12% of the floor square footage in window square footage (I'll use feet because I'm more familiar with that unit for house dimensions, but the percentages I'll derive apply equally to any measure of area). That is, 120 square feet of window for a 1000 square foot house. Any more than that and you will end up with over-heating during the day an excessive heat loss at night. If you're not carefully designing the structure to handle the heat load, a maximum of 8% is recommended. The same applies in all climates, with the amount of insulation and thermal mass varied to regulate temperature.
If you are designing for solar illumination, you probably want your interior walls no more than 12 feet (4 m) away from the outside edge of the house. So consider a house of 24 foot (8 m) deep and 40 feet (13 m) across, or 960 square feet. That would give us a maximum of 75 to 115 square feet of windows. Considering you live in a warm climate, I would suggest erring on the smaller side, even with careful design. Heating is cheaper than cooling. If you are building a small home, I would really try hard to find ways to increase the thermal mass inside, and again err on the small side for windows.
In general you'll want the majority (70-85%) of the glazing on the sun-facing wall, a moderate amount (10-15%) on the east wall (to capture morning heating), a small amount (5-10%) on the west (to avoid evening heating), and a minimal amount (0-5%) on the shade wall (to avoid net heat loss). Also pay careful attention to overhang over the sun-facing windows to avoid direct sunlight penetration in the warm months (you are far enough south that the sun is always north of you, even at the solstice). Using the 24x40 square foot example with 8 foot (2.5 m) walls and 8% glass, that would be about 60 sq ft of the 320 square feet on the sun side, or roughly 20% of the sun wall, 10 sq ft of the east (5% glass), 6 sq ft of the west (3% glass), and perhaps 2 sq ft of the shade wall (1% glass). Putting most of the glass on the sun side maximizes winter gain, and minimizes summer gain from sunrise and sunset, an especially important consideration at your near-tropical latitude. Of
course, these are guidelines, but the most important part is to resist the temptation of putting in too much glazing.
As humans we are much more comfortable in rooms that have light coming from multiple directions. I would make sure every inhabited room has light entering from at least two directions. If you have to add more glass on the shade wall to accomplish this, I think it's well worth the sacrifice in thermal efficiency for mental sanity.
Also, keep it simple and keep the walls and windows straight vertical. The winter sun is at a lower angle and will penetrate fine, and the higher angle of the summer sun is more likely to bounce off the window than penetrate. Plus due to differences in thermal expansion coefficients, angle mounted windows usually develop leaks over time.
I highly recommend James Kachadorian's book
Passive Solar House: The Complete Guide to Heating and Cooling Your Home. I don't know what materials or construction techniques you'll use specifically, but his design concepts are very close to traditional stick build but effective in passive design without much extra cost.