Jason Breitkreuz

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since Feb 18, 2013
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Recent posts by Jason Breitkreuz

Growing trees from seed with children is it's own reward. My kids and I have grown, oranges, lemons, avocado, mango,apple pear, hazelnut, plum, and nectarine. Maybe one day we will eat something tasty?
I can't say how many times, I have been warned not to grow tree from seed. So far, nothing bad has happened.
10 years ago
Glad to here about your plan. By covering my garden with old barn boards and wood chips, leaves, I have cut my weeding 95%, my watering 99%.

There was a good discussion of the movie at the following link.

11 years ago

I had all of your symptoms and more including irritable bladder, slipped disk, chronic thirst, along with a thickly white coated tongue. The one thing doctors would universally recommend is psychological help. I am almost embarrassed to write about my improvement, because if I hadn't experienced the improvement myself and I read this, I know I wouldn't believe it. No I am not 100%, but it took me 30 years to get here. By the way, I happened to be singing today, and I was wondering where my voice came from. I continue to get stronger. So while I credit Borax, I also credit God for having mercy on me and giving me relief. I am mid forties and am in better health than in my twenties. If you have been talking any anti-depressants, they are likely a source of fluoride too. Stubbornly I avoided them like the plague.

11 years ago

Claire Gardner wrote:

Jason Breitkreuz wrote:Hi Claire,
I have noticed no change in my dreams.

I have had what is called a herxheimer reaction, which is a worsening of symptoms for a period...

Read the article Morrigan linked to a second time, and investigate before trying anything. I do want to add a caution that I am not offering medical advice and will leave that to the doctors.

I actually researched it pretty deeply once, mixed up the solution and was going to start on it. My husband decided to try it first and chugged it... talk about a "Herxheimer!" He got so sick it scared me off, but we both know why it happened. As for the effects of fluoride... I don't need convinced. I got pretty deeply involved in politics at one point, learned more than I really want to know. We've been off fluoride for years, and although we do not offer medical advice, we certainly do not go to doctors for it. I'll seek their training if I need someone to set a broken limb, treat me for a stroke or heart attack, but not advice. For what it is worth, I am retired from a career in healthcare, my husband is an RN.

You are not the only person who has told me how much better they feel, I am just working up the gumption to get past my mental block. I'm going to start with half dose today.

The dreams.... I have seen people who claim that pineal calcification inhibits the ability to do lucid dreaming. That was what promted the question.

I did want to reply sooner, but wanted to wit until I had reached the three month mark. I had the second lucid dream of my life recently, during which had the benefit of getting a solution to one of my gardening problems. Very nice indeed.

The herxheimer is done, and I am now experiencing the best health and strength I have had in over ten years. I have seen a host of ailments disappear and others dramatically improve. I share your views of healthcare and would like to add that in my own frustration with it, I had reached a point that I would rather suffer trying to find a cure than suffer at the hands of medicine. I hope you do well and please let me know how it works for you.
11 years ago
Hi Claire,
I have noticed no change in my dreams.

I have had what is called a herxheimer reaction, which is a worsening of symptoms for a period. One unexpected side-effect was anger. So many of my previous troubles matched flouride poisoning, and when the worst of my debilitating symptoms went away, I saw that suffering as needless.
But my personal experience has been positive. I was in a rather desperate strait as the doctors were only offering me muscle relaxants and psychiatric help, neither of which I was interested in.

Read the article Morrigan linked to a second time, and investigate before trying anything. I do want to add a caution that I am not offering medical advice and will leave that to the doctors.

Yes, flouride is in black tea, and green tea. It is in processed meats among other things.

Flouride: The Bizarre History

The Flouride Deception
11 years ago
Good Film. A guy without much rainfall, irrigation or good soil in Washington has a great permaculture garden

11 years ago
I don't have the DVD, but I did get the book. I wanted a reference book with lots of pictures and examples to take out to the yard with the kids, and this fits the bill. This will be part of their homeschool education. The book is just under 500 pages with lots of glossy photos and quick summary of plant descriptors and uses. It is well organized into plant types with warnings of poison lookalikes and is well suited to a beginner like myself. Finding what is edible gets me out of the gate. Then I can look up more info, if desired. I like the idea of a book more than a DVD as an ease of access to reference material and am glad I didn't spend the extra money for the movie.
11 years ago
I will take the advice and pass it on to a few other needy souls. For long term solutions, I plan to add some borax to my soil.

It is simply indescribable to have suffered so many ailments and have them improve so quick. I have had shoulder pain from an old injury for 20 years....gone. Mental clarity improved and vision improved. As you may guess, I am pleased and surprised and hope others may give this simple solution a try. It has been an answer to prayer.

God bless you, Morgan

12 years ago
After reading the articles, my wife and I are stunned. We had done much to avoid flouride, but were still feeling the symptoms, of which I suffered greatest from arthritis and muscle tension. After starting a little borax (1/8 teaspoon per litre of water) I am experiencing the greatest relief I have had for a few years. Who would have guessed there was flouride in black tea and that flouride was used as a fumigant for produce.
12 years ago