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amber marcum

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since Feb 22, 2013
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I have lived off grid for 26 years, the last 13 in a earthship that we built.  Should have gotten on the permculture band wagon back then.....imagine what our desert would look like now....sigh  oh well.
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ne arizona
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Recent posts by amber marcum

Thank you! It is so frustrating trying to find the unusual plants that Geoff recommends. I will probably plant it inside my earthship or maybe at the sunny end of the rabbitry that gets enclosed with plastic when frost is near.
10 years ago
Does anyone know where to buy yacon roots? I want to buy some to plant in my garden and am having a hard time finding anyone to buy them from. Thanks
10 years ago
I too took the online PDCclass from Geoff. It was worth every penny even if I am not planning on teaching. I only wish I could get my hubby to watch all of the videos. With do much information it is hard to inpart/convince him that we need to do things differently. It would be great for homeschooling.
11 years ago
I'm in! Great Idea. I also finished Geoff's on line course last summer. This is the first year I havent groaned about the seed catalogs here before Christmas. Having a plan is much more exciting.
11 years ago
Backed! Loved the 9 minutes. Cant wait for the rest.. Enjoy your sparkles
Hello Bill, Thanks! I don't do makeup on clients but will look into it for myself. I do use other will have to look into that as well. It is amazing how you can wake up in certain areas of life and be totally asleep in others. Good thing we can learn and change.
Would it matter if I was going to boil them off the bones and pressure can them anyway? not eat them fresh or freeze them. They will get soft and edible anyway in the canning process.
11 years ago
Interesting podcast. I appreciate your view of toxic ick. That has been becoming a topic that I need to review more. How would you put it...I am a brown permaculturalist not purple. But I am learning. A little at a time. We live in an earthship that has lots of ventilation, dont till, have convinced hubby to not chemical fertilize or poison bug spray and have gone organic in the garden. We are still in the process of realization of food intake, household ick use etc. So we are still becoming. I got here thorough Jacks podcast. Bought the stove DVD and the kickstarted for the permaculture cards what great ideas! Also just finished my first pdc with Geoff on line.

Unfortunately I would be one of those you would dismiss because of the makeup and career of cosmetology. I like helping others to feel better about themselves either by services or one on one talking. But you are right the magazines and TV are the culprits. We haven't had regular TV for 25 years so its influence isn't very big. I wear makeup because of society, my job and because that is who I am. If the shtf I will have some major adjustment when I look in the mirror. I feel better about myself when I have makeup on. On the weekends when I dont wear it....I dont feel complete or as beautiful. Major character defect there. To compensate of lack of self esteem I used to overeat (instead of being a bulemic). They are both sides of the same coin. For me the beauty thing started watching my mother of the "great generation" that is what she did to please my dad.

It was good to hear your thoughts about it though. It has gotten me to thinking about how I feel about myself and how to feel better about myself in other ways. It is a head thing. I will watch the documentaries to educate myself more. Thanks Amber
Paul....I ordered the dvds thru your link below and all went well thanks.
11 years ago
Thanks for all the info above! I live in Arizona and it is summer time. Sometimes 90 in the house. I just started my fodder system. And have come to the conclusion that I am half sprouting and half fermenting the barley and sunflower seeds that I am trying to sprout. The wheat never sprouted. Unfortunately it is in the living room and making it uninhabitable. My husband is tolerant of some of my ideas but not this one. It stinks. So I guess I either sprout something that likes the the sunflower seeds, move it somewhere where it is cooler (not in the summer here in my earthship) and or don't recycle the water and somehow drain it outside and reuse it there.

Thanks for all the links. Havent got to read them yet. Will do so.
11 years ago