Katherine Favor

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since Apr 23, 2013
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Recent posts by Katherine Favor

I'm planting a vineyard and I'm incorporating LOTS of wood chips into the soil in a sort of hugelkultur, mulchy kind of way. But I'm worried about termites. Has anyone else had any issues with termites in hugelkultur? What can I do to ensure that they don't harm my vines?
10 years ago
Does anybody know of a Permaculture Design Course in or near Bozeman, Montana during the summer months? I know that permaculture is becoming more and more popular in Bozeman, and I'm going to be there for the summer, so I thought there might be a good opportunity for me. However, I've googled and googled but I can't seem to find anything. So if anyone knows of a PDC that google just hasn't picked up on yet, that would be wonderful! Thanks!
11 years ago