Merced Greens

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since Apr 26, 2013
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Recent posts by Merced Greens

Dean Thompson wrote:There are many valid and good points that people have made but if geoengineering continues they will all be pointless.

Please ellaborate.
11 years ago

John Elliott wrote:Massive earthworks may be necessary to deal with the drying out of already dry areas, but I would put them in the category of adaptation, not strategies to reverse climate change.

The real way to reverse climate change is with biochar. The discovery of charcoal as an excellent soil amendment has come rather late in the history of science and technology. Had it come in the 1790s instead of the 1990s, and plowing charcoal under was established agricultural practice, we would not be in the predicament we are in. We could still pull gigatons of carbon out of the deep Earth to burn if we were applying the same number of gigatons to our cropland. And were we doing that, there would be less need for fertilizer and pesticides, two significant uses of fossil fuel inputs.

Is it too late to start burying biochar? Maybe, maybe not. On a personal note, I am going to have to stay home a lot more and cook more batches of biochar before I am a net carbon sequesterer and not a net carbon releaser.

I too have looked into biochar. There is a video in particular which I felt clarified my understanding of biochar here it is
11 years ago
I was thinking more along the lines of massive earthworks and restoration in the USA based on topography. A plan of the same stature to that of that one guy who rants and raves about windmills but is some tycoon. It could be the next WPA. I know that at the personal level I am also working to spread the word about permaculture and working to become a more knowledgeable permaculture practitioner. I would like to personally thank Mr. Wheaton for the information and knowledgeable guests he provides in his podcasts. I read somewhere last year about one of the most revolutionary things you can do is grow your own food. I thank all who have thusfar contributed and hope this thread will remain alive and at some point a plan could be developed.

"Worker Self Directed Enterprises, Permaculture, Natural Building, Aikido, The Promethean Paradigm, and New Mutualism"
11 years ago
Are we too late? Honest question. Can we identify concrete strategies to reverse climate change?
11 years ago
found this vid on and had to share this as it is applicable to the thread. Responses sought?
11 years ago
I think that the establishment of an initial charter which would begin to define the share vision. Also once formed legislating through democratic means could help promote shared power and ownership of the en devour. Indeed there will be need of a transitional leadership type role but another important role would be that of a facilitator []. Both whose understanding of design is exemplary but also takes into account the ideas and opinions of other members.
11 years ago
As in nature there is strength in diversity, albeit in cooperative symbiotic relationships. I think this idea of building a community should be no different. In physiology can you find the leader cell in a muscle? Those cells that come together as tissues and later as organs, muscles, and body systems are united through interdependence and function. In forming a community there should most definitely be some form of guiding principles perhaps a charter as with the Rochdale Cooperative (see weblink: ). Permaculture to me represents the reawakening of the universal indigenous spirit and the cultivation of abundance.

11 years ago
I have to say this is along the lines of what I was hoping to see manifest. A community of like minded individuals based on principles of reciprocity mutual aid and non coercion. Perhaps on par or structured on a co-operative model. A non patriarchal non hierarchical New Harmony if you like. Hope to hear your responses.

11 years ago
Any relatively benign creatures as such?
11 years ago