My 3 yr old urban homestead needs some garter snakes I think. I have 2/3 acre, privacy
fence all around. The vegetable garden takes up one sunny corner of the
yard (50 x 60), and a part-shade corner that is the fruit tree guilds, with main backyard at the house mostly shaded by 2 big pecan
trees. I have a dog and cat and spend a lot of time out there working, and I hope to add
chickens this year, then honeybees next year. There are no boggy spots or
water features to attract them, and I wonder if the street runoff creek that runs through a 3-acre woodland preserve across the street, will compete for attention. It will be another 3 yrs or so before I have the entire property lush with plantings and hidey holes.
So for now, am I more likely to get tenants by creating a habitat in the sunniest south facing corner of the yard which is the farthest and driest corner at the top of the slope of the vegetable garden where I want them to dine, or 100 feet downhill where there is more landscaping vegetation and the future
pond might be - where it gets morning and mid-day sun. If I put up a sign saying "eat grubs here for free" will they come - lol ?
thanks anyone