mark dennis

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since Oct 22, 2013
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Recent posts by mark dennis

I'm just outside a place called Arroyo Grande. Five miles from Pismo Beach.
HMU. I could really use some help starting my dreams.
4 years ago
Still looking for people interested in helping out...
6 years ago
I have properties in California. If you want to work and roam the So Cal deserts!
6 years ago
Ok so....
I have a piece of desert land and I am going out there to check it out and start to do something with it.
It is approximately 22 miles east of Lancaster!!
Any help would be appreciated!!!
6 years ago
I own 10 acres outside of Lancaster. Going east on East Ave. K it is approximately 26 miles. I have not started work on this project yet though so, I am still in the designing stage.
6 years ago
California Valley property. about 62 miles from San Luis Obispo.
7 years ago
Central Coast of California. Pismo Beach and dessert property. let me know if you want to stay and work here.
7 years ago
Have two locations! 4 if you count L.A. county.
Looking for workers willing to work for a spot to stay. Dessert property is 82 miles from San Luis Obispo and Coastal Property is on PCH!
7 years ago
Looking for WWOOFers to help out on California's Central Coast and California Valley Desert an hour and a half from the coast. I have two pieces of property ! An acre on the coast and 2.5 acres in the desert. I am looking for help.. I have a plan and have started the work but, I need help. There is no pay involved but, you will have a place to stay! Sunday night, Monday morning through Thursday afternoon in the desert and the weekend on the coast! Helping me develop a desert oasis and a coastal campground/ homestead on California's Pacific Coast Highway!!! Just outside Arroyo Grande almost exactly half way between San Francisco and Los Angeles! San Luis Obispo is less than 20miles away. The property has the "away from everything feel and yet only a mile from a full service shopping center. An amazing 2.5 mile walk through farming field to Oceano beach and dunes!
8 years ago